Your details

Please fill in the following screen.
Fields with an asterisk (*) are required.
Then your data will be sent by mail to us and we will unlock your access.

The minimum order value for first online orders is 50 EUR.

Step 1

Orders through the Dentaurum Benelux Online Shop are only available for customers residing in the countries listed above.

If you are residing in another country, please contact your local Dentaurum dealer.

Step 2

Step 3 Payment information

Direct debit (Domiciliëring, Automatische incasso, Domiciliation)
Hereby, I / we authorise you revocably to withdraw the payments to be made by me/us for the delivery of goods via direct withdrawal from my/our account.

Onze Online Shop is een extra service voor onze klanten en enkel bestemd voor orthodontisten, tandartsen en tandtechnische labo's.

Notre Online Shop est un service supplémentaire pour nos clients et est destiné uniquement aux orthodontistes, dentistes et laboratoires dentaires.

Our Online Shop is an additional service to our customers and is only available to orthodontists, dentists and dental laboratories.

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